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Information » Knight Time Program

Knight Time Program


Please read the following document before registering.

The registration link is at the bottom of this page.

Below is information about the 2024-2025 program.

We can accept only 15 Kindergarten Students for our after-school segment of the program.


Welcome to Evans Elementary’s “Knight Time Program” 

Fees and Payments 

  • Enrollment will require a $25.00 registration fee and the completion of an enrollment form online for each child that will be participating in the program. 
  • We are using RevTrak online for payments and registration. 
  • $25.00 Registration Fee per child at the beginning of the term. 

Weekly Fees 

  • $20.00 Before School Fee per child  
  • $45.00 After School Fee per child  
  • $65.00 Before and After School combined per child 
  • $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m. / Emergency Pick-up Fee 
  • $10.00 Late Fee for each week's balance that is not paid in full. 

RevTrak will provide online access to tax receipts. 

All balances must be paid in full one week before the last week of school. 

Before and After School payments will be on a pre-pay basis. Payments are due on the 1st school day of each week. Students whose accounts are not paid on the first day (RevTrak) of each week will be charged a late fee of $10.00. Any accounts that are ten days past due will result in the child being withdrawn from the program until the balance is paid in full. Late payment of weekly fees could result in your child being dropped from the program. For billing, you are responsible for going online and paying your account on the first day of the school week. You will receive an invoice via email and it is the only notice you have that you must pay.  Please click on the link on the invoice and follow the steps in RevTrak to make payment.  

Payment for the entire week is required each and every week of the month. The weekly fee is still required if there are scheduled changes that prevent your child from coming. This includes vacation, illness, etc. We do not provide drop-in service or partial week payments. Please contact us if there are concerns with your account. Please inform us in writing two school weeks prior to withdrawing, a $25 registration fee is required to re-enroll. If you give no notice, be prepared to pay 2 weeks' value of fees. 

2024-2025 School Calendar Dates  Our program is open every day that students attend school for the 2024-2025 calendar year.     

 Knight Time Program Guidelines 

  • Our program will enforce the same rules and guidelines set forth in the CCBOE Elementary Code of Conduct. 
  •  Disruptive and inappropriate behavior will be dealt with immediately. 
  •  Immediate dismissal from the program will result in issues concerning hitting of or at a staff member, blatant defiance of authority, destruction of property, running from the staff, or leaving the building. Behavioral problems concerning other violations of school rules (throwing sticks and rocks, hitting other students, bullying, unsafe play, etc.) will be handled with verbal and written communication at home.  
  • Consistent violations (three times) of the rules will result in dismissal from the program.   


Hours of Operations:  
7:00am - 8:10am      3:45-6:00 pm  

The program is only offered on regularly scheduled school days. 


Drop off Information: 

The program for Before School will begin at 7:00 a.m. Students will be dropped off in the bus lane, at the Before School sign. Students can not be dropped off for the Before School Program after 8:00 am. Students will be dismissed from the Cafeteria at 8:10 a.m. They will be permitted to eat breakfast before reporting to their classrooms.  The After School program begins at 3:45 p.m. and ends PROMPTLY at 6:00 each evening.  


Pick-Up Information:  

 Pick-up time starts at 4:00 pm and ends promptly at 6:00 pm. Please par 

  • Please park in a parking space in front of the building until the carline ends at 4:10. After that, you may park along the curb in front of the school. You will be asked to show your Id.  
  • Each child must be signed out daily, by an adult listed on the registration form. We will not allow your child to leave with anyone not listed.  Please contact the Director if you need more information.
  • Please do not pick your children up from the after-school program until 4 o’clock.  If you need to pick them up earlier, you will need to send a note to their teachers and they will be car riders.  You must have a car rider tag.  If the teacher does not receive a note they will go to the after-school program and you will not be able to pick them up until 4 o’clock. 
  • Students who are not picked up by 6:00 p.m. will be charged $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m. This emergency pick-up is allowed only  6 times in the school year. After the 6th time, your student will be withdrawn from the program.  


Please provide an afternoon snack for your child if they don’t like pretzels, goldfish, and cereals. All students will drink water. Do not send any other drink. Please do not send any candy.   


  • We will strive to maintain a quiet homework environment.  
  • If your child tells us they have no homework, we ask that they sit quietly, work on math facts, read, or study while others complete their work. This is an expectation.  
  • Please check over your child’s homework folder and assignments. The staff is not responsible for the completion or total accuracy of any child’s homework.    
  • We will not assist with homework on Friday afternoons. Students should bring all books, paper, pencils, and other necessary supplies to complete homework each day.   
  • Children will not leave the program and return to their classrooms at any time. The staff will help the students understand any homework directions. Homework starts right after snack time and ends around 4:30 each day 


  • We will follow normal school emergency procedures. 
  •  If your child is injured seriously, first aid will be applied, 911 will be called and you will be contacted.  
  • If school is dismissed early due to severe weather or any other reasons, the Knight Time Program afternoon segment will be canceled and your child will be sent home by bus or as a car rider.  
  • If the school has a delayed start, the Knight Time Program morning segment is canceled.  
  • Be sure to update information in RevTrak changes in phone numbers, emergency contacts, and any other pertinent information so that we can reach you.  

No medication is given during the program.  

Program Director: Gina Hankins  

[email protected] 

706-863-1202 ext 1403


Links and Forms - Both forms must be filled out, signed, and returned. 

Informational Form

Google Document Online Information Form - Fill out online and return by email to [email protected]

PDF Form - Print, fill out, and fax to (706) 863 - 2183 

Agreement Form

Google Document Online Agreement Form - Fill out online and return by email to [email protected]

PDF Form - Print, fill out, and fax to (706) 863 - 2183

RevTrak Link For Payment



 Check our website for updates 

Click on "Information" and then click "The Knight Time Program" 

Program Director: Gina Hankins                

[email protected]  

706-863-1202   ext 1471