
Name: Brittany Johnston

Class Dojo: Please sign up for Remind! It is an easy way for me to quickly receive communication from you, share important information, and photos from our learning. 



8:10-8:45 Morning Work

8:45-10:15 Reading

10:15-10:45 Recess

10:51-11:21 Lunch

11:30- 12:00 Reading

12:00-1:00 Math

1:00-1:45 Specials

1:45-2:00 Math

2:00-2:45 IE

2:45-3:15 Writing

3:15-3:45 Science/Social Studies

3:45 Dismissal

2nd Grade School Supply List

# 2 Pencils, 2 Packs 

16 or 24-count crayons (2 pkgs) 

1 pk dry erase markers-blk 

glue sticks (3 pkgs) 

1" binder with clear front 

Pencil Pouch/Box 


5 Composition Notebooks 

4 packs of paper 

1 pack of 5-8 tab dividers